About Vogue Collages | 2020

Vogue Collages is a concept from San Francisco artist and web designer Zach Hangauer.

Method: for each issue of Vogue in 2020, I purchase two copies and make as many collages as inspiration allows. These collages then get scanned in and posted here.

Why? What's the point? Etc...?

Just the sheer joy of working with new, dynamic imagery and tuning it to my eye and/or ruffling its feathers.

I have been making magazine collages for the last 20 years, though I've never really set rules or operated on a timeline. My hope is that by formalizing the process, it will help tease out some new possibilities.

Why Vogue?

I love the eye candy and luxurious design of modern fashion magazines and Vogue is the iconic brand - dependable, easy to find and rich with on-the-pulse imagery.

Get Vogue Collages | 2020 in your inbox:

Drop a line: voguecollages2020@gmail.com